210 Abbott Street
Vancouver, British Columbia

The Stella Christmas Party

From December 12-23rd be on the lookout as Santa and his elves will be visiting your favourite neighbourhood with invites to our biggest - ever holiday celebration!
The Stella Christmas Party at The Lamplighter on December 23rd
You're invite includes:

* Transportation to The Stella Christmas Party on Santa's Christmas Train
* Gifts and Prizes at the event
* Complimentary Food and Beverage at the finale event

The Stella Christmas Party will run from 8pm to Late
Once you've received your invite please RSVP through ryano@donnellygroup.ca for transportation and event details
Join us as Santa and the elves give away a variety of your favourite seasonal gifts and listen to the sounds of Christmas reggae with Mostly Marley
Best of the season to you from Stella and the Donnelly Group!


Official Website: http://www.clubzone.com/events/328011/vancouver/the-lamplighter-public-house/the-stella-christmas-party

Added by DHM on December 15, 2010

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