101 W. Dakin Av (First United Methodist Church)
Kissimmee, Florida 34741

Karina Veaudry, FNPS Executive Director will present this talk to The Pine Lily Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society (Osceola) at their March Monthly Meeting.

Karina’s profession for the past 22 years has been Landscape Architecture, specializing in promoting the use of native plants, tree preservation during construction, ecosystem preservation, landscape ordinance writing and conservation policy writing for municipal comprehensive plans.

As a volunteer, she has been an interpretive guide, wetlands monitor, native plant seed collector, wildlife monitor and has completed outreach programs regarding Florida’s ecosystems, water conservation, native plant landscape design and land acquisition programs.

Karina Veaudry, FNPS Executive Director since 2006, grew up in Central Florida and as an avid hiker and conservation volunteer, has experienced many of Florida’s natural areas. She has been involved with the Florida Native Plant Society for the past 19 years.

The Pine Lily Chapter of the Florida Native Plant Society (Osceola County) meets at the First United Methodist Church, 101 W. Dakin Av, Kissimmee FL 34741, at 6:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month.

Learn the joy and value of gardening with native plants in an educational and social forum. Program changes monthly. Visitors always welcome! PineLilyFNPS@aol.com

Added by native plant on March 6, 2009

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