Manchester University
Manchester, England

The State of the Map - First openstreetmap international conference
» Manchester, England
» 14-15 July 2007


»Freeing Up Access to Geodata - The political, commercial and opensource implications of open Geodata
»Redrawing the Map the OSM Way - GPS, surveying, data editing methods and additional sources of base data.
»New Uses For A New Style of Geodata - A look at new and existing uses for OSM data.
»Cartography 2017 - where are we headed?
»Building Blocks for Collaborative Mapping


Official Website:

Added by alterisIan on February 17, 2007



PS I'm nothing to do with organising this, but find the subject of interest. When a venue is announced somone tell me and Ill update the location.

See also the Sheffield Mapping event organised on March the twenty-something.....