"Hot & Holy
Highline Revival"
w/The Stop Shopping
Gospel Choir
+ Not Buying It Band
June 24 and July 1, 2007
General Admission Seated Show / First come, first seated
Concert starts @ 2 PM
Doors open @ 1 PM
Tickets $12.00
Buy Tickets Online
All Ages
The State of Hot and Holy...
...makes us throw up our Hands and Holla! Once we are free from the Hypnotizing bondage of retail Hell, mono-cultural Haircare and the mayor Hallucinating something really stupid, like an Olympic village or a Wal-Mart hub or 300 Starbucks coffee shops. Once we sing together radically and we stop buying this suburbanating Shopasm...oh! then begins the Hot and Holy
Let us pray. Oh God-Momma Who Is Beyond Products, come to the Highline Ballroom on June 24 and July 1st. We will unveil a new children's song, a blues number with Kurt Vonnegut lyrics. We marry the fine artists Laura and Jeff, and baptize Coleman, an anarchist learning to crawl out of Vox Pop - yes the church will take them
into Life After Shopping. We are wide-eyed and open-throated - and up and out of our lips fly the dismaying harmonies of "Stop Shopping." We can't sing like this and shop at the same time. We know that. We know that. But what will the congregation do?
Statement of Belief :: Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Gospel Choir believe that Consumerism is overwhelming our lives. The corporations want us to have experiences only through their products. Our neighborhoods,
"commons" places like stoops and parks and streets and libraries, are disappearing into the corporatized world of big boxes and chain stores. But if we "back away from the product" - even a little bit, well then we Put The Odd Back In God! The supermodels fly away and we're left with our original sensuality. So we are singing and preaching for local economies and real -not mediated through products -- experience. We like independent shops where you know the person behind the counter or at least - you like them
enough to share a story.We ask that local activists who are defending themselves against supermalls, nuke plants, gentrification -- call us and we'll come and put on our "Fabulous Worship!" Remember children... Love is a Gift Economy! — The Rev
Rev Billy homepage:
Official Website:
Added by urania on June 15, 2007