Shortened Attention Span Theatre and Wide Eyed Productions are joining forces this January to present 'The Spin Cycle,' an evening of five one-act plays by Jerrod Bogard. Bogard is threading together his five diversely styled pieces to create one cohesive theatrical experience. The evening begins with a clip from 'The Spin Cycle,' hosted by Dan Dillinger. It's a send-up of cable news shows (filmed by Emmy Award Winner Brian Bernhard). The plays then leap out of the Television and onto the Players' Loft stage. Between each play audiences are treated to another mini-logue from Dillinger, all building toward the final play in which we find ourselves at a taping of 'The Spin Cycle,' complete with live video feeds from onstage cameras connecting a soldier in Baghdad to his loving family in Dallas, Texas.
Added by Upcoming Robot on January 28, 2009