Saturday, Mar 31, 2007, 1pm
The Apollo Theater
253 West 125th Street
Harlem, NY 10027
The Souls of Black Girls takes a critical look at media images and examines the relationship between the historical and existing images of women of color in the media. The documentary also raises the question of whether or not women of color may be suffering from a self-image disorder as a result of trying to attain the standards of beauty that are celebrated in media images.
Cast: rapper Chuck D; actresses Regina King and Jada Pinkett Smith;
Washington Week moderator (PBS) Gwen Ifill; cultural critic Michaela Angela Davis, and others.
The screening will be followed by a panel discussion with Director/Producer Daphne S. Valerius; African American Studies Historian Dr. Lez Edmonds; cultural critic Michaela Angela Davis; and writer/journalist Akiba Solomon (co-author of Naked: Black Women Bare All About Their Skin, Hair, Hips, Lips and Other Parts).
Official Website:
Added by Fumio on March 28, 2007