Corner of Church and Market Streets
Parramatta, New South Wales 2150

Big Notes 2009 presents
The Song Company
A Free-Range Christmas
Sunday 29 November at 3pm

In celebration of the festive season, Big Notes presents The Song Company’s A Free-Range Christmas. This Christmas celebration for all creatures great and small is playing at Riverside Theatres on Sunday 29 November 2009 for one performance only.

This reprise of the very popular Christmas show, A Free-Range Christmas, by the ‘un-embarrassable’ Song Company stars Clive Birch, Mark Donnelly and Richard Black.

A Free-Range Christmas utilises old fashioned story telling with a modern twist. It is a humourous family friendly performance featuring serious and beautiful music. In A Free-Range Christmas, The Song Company is let loose in a menagerie of animals from around the world, domestic or wild, alive or extinct, big and furry or small and slimy. Wolves, oxen, cats and dogs, tigers and lambs, donkeys, ducks, dogs and doves all join in for this extravaganza of songs, carols, stories and poems delivered by The Song Company in its inimitable way.

Formed by Charles Colman in 1984, The Song Company is a group of six full-time professional singers led by internationally acclaimed Artistic Director, Roland Peelman. The Song Company aims to create a distinctive and dynamic new voice, relevant to the audiences of today and tomorrow. A Free-Range Christmas reflects this with their broad repertoire of songs, carols, stories and poems, from early music, through to modern classical vocal arrangements, which include Nuns of Chester Carol, Animal Songs, Carols from France and Winnie the Pooh.

“Adults will enjoy this as something for the kids, while children will detect that undisguishable thread of coy adult humour throughout… the Song Company again showed themselves not only unembarrassable, but brilliant… as one of Australia's most outstanding music ensembles, they scrimp and save, helping young composers and spreading delight with an always-generous spirit…”
The Sydney Morning Herald, December 2005

“More and more, music lovers are discovering the delights of the Song Company. And if they’re not, they should be…The musicality of the songs and their arrangements, as well as the choice of repertoire itself, is exceptional – something the Song Company is renowned for. But also significant in this concert is a focus on simple, old-fashioned storytelling…The performers themselves have good, sometimes beautiful voices and deliver the repertoire with charisma and humour. Never boring, this concert is a celebration of Christmas, of story-telling and of faultless music.”
State of the Arts, December 2005

THE SONG COMPANY, A Free-Range Christmas
VENUE: Riverside Theatre, Corner Church and Market Streets, Parramatta
DATES: Sunday November 29
TIMES: 3pm
SINGLE TICKET PRICES: Adults $37, Conc $33, 30 & Under $29
Bookings Riverside Box Office 02 8839 3399 or

Official Website:

Added by internmgm on November 8, 2009