The Snow Queen–Washington, DC premiere!
Celebrate winter with this screening of two Canadian children’s films with snowy themes. Featuring a dynamic visual style that combines live-action and animation, The Snow Queen (Julian Gibbs, Canada, 2005, 56 minutes) is a charming adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s tale of best friends Kay and Gerda. When Kay is cursed and taken away by the Snow Queen to her frozen palace in the North, Gerda is determined to rescue him. Traveling through diverse lands, Gerda encounters a variety of magical characters that help her on her quest by providing clues and advice. Snow Cat (Sheldon Cohen, Canada, 1998, 23 minutes) is an animated story about a lonely girl and an unforgettable magical cat.
All film programs are shown in the East Building Auditorium. Programs are free and seating is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Groups are welcome. For up-to-date information on the current month’s films, please call (202) 789-3030 or visit
Ages 8 and up.
Official Website:
Added by Hawkes on December 30, 2008