Seats are filling quickly
... but you still have a chance to register for the most valuable learning event you will attend all year.
Join us in Phoenix, AZ on March 25, 2009, at The Six Disciplines Workshop.
$200 Discount for ASTD and ISPI members
Enter discount code: ASTD or ISPI when you register
The Fort Hill Company designed this workshop specifically for learning professionals. It is based on our best-selling business book,The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning: How to Turn Training and Development into Business Results widely considered the new standard for designing, delivering, and evaluating training and development programs.
Attend and you will learn how to step outside the classroom and create a repeatable process for learning and development that produces high impact business results.
Workshop Benefits:
Work directly with an author of The Six Disciplines book.
Learn how companies like Kaiser Permanente and Pfizer institutionalize training follow-through and business impact.
Experience Fort Hill's web-based technology (Friday5s) and apply new learning on the job.
Learn how to make a business case for your program and market your results internally so you are visible and valued.
Take away a comprehensive workbook that provides step-by-step procedures, checklists, and references, along with an electronic copy of over 25 reproducible 6Ds Tools.
The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning is the clearest roadmap I have ever seen for getting from well-conceived and executed learning activities to measurable business results. Edwin H. Boswell, Ph.D., President and CEO, Forum
About the Facilitator
Cal Wick is the Founder and Chairman of Fort Hill Company.
Cal is a nationally-recognized consultant, educator and researcher on improving the performance of managers and organizations and co-author of The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning: How to Turn Training and Development into Business Results.
Cal's research led to the concept of Follow-Through Management and the development of web-based Follow-Through Tools that improve results by increasing follow-through and learning transfer.
Cal graduated as a Rockefeller Fellow from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut and continued his studies as an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow at MIT's Sloan School of Management.
Organized by Fort Hill CompanyFort Hillis the global leader in turning learning into results.Fort Hill originated the concept of Follow-Through Management. Fort Hill's web-based Follow-Through Tools have been used by more than 90,000 learners in over 48 countries to enhance learning transfer and improve results. Its best-selling book, The Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning (Pfeiffer, 2006), is the new standard for designing, delivering, and evaluating training and development programs.
Ticket Info: 6Ds Workshop Phoenix 25Mar09, $995.00
Official Website: http://fhcphoenix6ds25mar09-upcoming.eventbrite.com