266 Escuela Ave
Mountain View, California 94040

Join the Sharing Revolution and come to the conference where you'll learn to build community, save money, and reduce our impact on Earth.

You've seen it in the news...even TIME listed it as a top trend. Online and offline, we're seeing evidence of a growing "sharing economy." Car shares, neighborhood tool lending libraries, fruit/vegetable exchanges, babysitting co-ops, lending clubs, and vacation house swaps are just some of the creative ways people are sharing.

Come learn more. We've pulled together the top ideas, tools and people to help you create your own local Sharing Revolution. You'll finish the day inspired and with a plan to get started.

Hear from Inspiring Experts
* Neal Gorenflo, Co-Founder, Shareable
* Janelle Orsi, Author, The Sharing Solution: How to Save Money, Simplify Your Life & Build Community
* Cecile Andrews, Author, Slow Is Beautiful
* Ed Everett, Community Strategist, GoGoVerde
Plus over 15 organizations with cool ideas to make sharing easier.

Share Innovative Ideas & Form Sharing Groups.
* Put your learning into practice, right on the spot!
* Got a great idea? Share it at "The Sharing Revolution" Facebook page and in-person at the conference.

When and Where
* Saturday, June 18, 2011
* 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
* Mountain View Senior Center, 266 Escuela Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94040

Registration Fee (includes sustainable lunch)
$20 early bird through May 31
$25 June 1-17
$30 at the door
Optional $15 for a signed, pre-owned copy of The Sharing Solution

Join Us.
And bring your friends and people you know from schools, community groups, neighborhoods, faith organizations and sports teams.

Official Website: http://www.acterra.org/sharing/index.html

Added by Lynn Strand on May 4, 2011


Lynn Strand

Feel free to email me examples of sharing going on in your community at SharingRev@positiveimpartner.com or share it on our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/sharingrevolution See you at the conference!