116 West 23rd street 5th Floor
New York, New York 10011

Tickets: $80 in advance (http://www.nycharities.org/event/event.asp?CE_ID=4286) /$100 at the door (cash and checks only)

Location: Manhattan Penthouse

Address: 80 Fifth Avenue at 14th Street (17th Floor), NY, NY 10011

Join us for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres to support the New York Organ Donor Network. Bid on numerous items including a Kwiat diamond necklace, a private wine tasting event from Palm Bay Imports, a package of classes to Physique 57, tickets to NY Fashion Week and the Stephen Colbert Report among many others.

The benefit will raise money to support the New York Organ Donor Network and will serve as a forum to educate, raise awareness and get people talking about the issue of organ donation. This year’s event will kick-off a new word-of-mouth campaign incorporating personal stories of people touched by organ donation. The video will be edited following the event and distributed through social media and networking sites.

About the foundation

The foundation was founded when four years ago, Shari Kurzrok Schnall was in the fight of her life after her liver failed unexpectedly from a rare genetic condition called Wilson's Disease. She received a life saving liver transplant at New York University Medical Center under the care of Dr. Lewis Teperman and his team. There are currently more than 102,000 people awaiting a life saving organ transplant, including 10,000 New Yorkers. Sadly, 18 people die every day awaiting a transplant that will never come. This is one field of medicine where the common person CAN make a difference yet, myths and misconceptions about the issue of organ donation, often prevent people from signing up to be an organ donor. All it takes is a simple conversation to learn the facts and make an informed decision.

Official Website: http://www.liverforalife.org

Added by Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC/ on August 3, 2009