Absurd, hilarious comedy theatre from one of the country's top new theatre companys.
Set deep in the bowels of a vast Russian governmental building two civil servants jostle for power, one a bureaucrat with delusions of importance, the other an unidentified inspector. Reluctant to commit to specific thought for fear of showing ignorance of the party line (which changes hourly), they make idle conversation out of which is extrapolated the deepest meaning, while their attempts at political correctness only result in grammatical incorrectness.
Cost: £8 | £7 concs
Venue: The Phoenix Theatre and Arts Centre
Telephone: 01420 472664
Promoter: The Phoenix Theatre and Arts Centre
Official Website: http://www3.hants.gov.uk/hog-eventdetails?id=58729
Added by easthampshire.org on February 25, 2010