East Building, Houghton Street
London, England WC2A

Date: Thursday 16 March 2006
Time: 6.45pm
Venue: Old Theatre, Old Building
Speakers: Professor Richard Dawkins FRS, Professor Daniel C Dennett, Professor Sir John Krebs FRS, Ian McEwan and Dr Matt Ridley
Chair: Melvyn Bragg

The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins was published 30 years ago. This and his subsequent writings have had a powerful influence not only in biology but in other disciplines and in the wider intellectual debate, championing science and rationalism. This event will bring together scientists, writers and other public intellectuals to explore these developments.

Professor Richard Dawkins FRS is Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University. Professor Daniel C Dennett, Tufts University and is author of Darwin?s Dangerous Idea and Breaking the Spell. Professor Sir John Krebs FRS is based in the Department of Zoology, Oxford University. Ian McEwan is a Booker Prize winner and author of Amsterdam and Saturday. Dr Matt Ridley is author of The Origins of Virtue and Genome.
Ticket Information

This event is free and open to all however a ticket is required. One ticket per person can be requested from 10.00am on Monday 6 March 2006.

Members of the public, LSE staff and alumni can request one ticket via the online booking form which will be live on this weblisting from 10.00am on Monday 6 March 2006.

LSE students are able to collect one ticket from the LSESU reception, located on the ground floor of the East Building from 10.00am on Monday 6 March 2006.

For further information email events@lse.ac.uk.

Added by oneoffmanmental on December 25, 2005



TICKETS ARE ALL GONE. There will be a live video link in to the East Building. I think I've got a ticket, since I called in the first ten minutes.


didn't get tickets for the ultra evolution crew. i'll have to watch dawkins eyebrows on the video feed. meh!


I just got my ticket today!