5683 York Blvd
Los Angeles, California 90042

"You can create anything you want, go wherever your mind wants to, see what no one has ever seen."
--Patrick Gothard

The Haggus Society in collaboration with Julie Montenegro happily present "The Secret Paraphrenalia Of Patrick Gothard."

A self-taught, self-styled painter, Patrick Gothard is one of the area's most prolific artists. With an almost Seuss-like approach in philosophy, Gothard presents us with a colorful sense of wonder and whimsy making even some of the more difficult topics easily accessible.

Exhibition runs Oct 1 through Oct 30

Opening reception Oct 13
6 to 10 pm

Mon-Fri 9 am - 6 pm
Sat 9 am - 1 pm

Added by clvngodess on September 18, 2012