621 Penn Ave.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222

THE SECOND CITY in PratFall of Civilization
December 18 - December 20, 2008

Written and Performed by The Second City

Tina Fey. Steve Carell. Bill Murray. Gilda Radner. John Belushi. What do they all have in common? Each got their start with the world-famous comedy troupe The Second City. Who's their next breakout star? Don't miss your chance to find out, as their freshest up-and-coming talent mine comedic gold with classic scenes, brand-new material "ripped from today's headlines," and hilarious improvisational sketches. If you're looking for some humor in today's current events, you can count on The Second City to find it.

Special discount - tickets only $25.50! For tickets, contact Becky at 412.316.8200 ext. 704 or rrickard@ppt.org and mention this posting.

Official Website: http://www.ppt.org

Added by rarickard on December 1, 2008