Miro Dance Theatre continues to delve into the science behind the company's latest work in-progress, Spooky Action - an exploration into the theory of quantum entanglement and the invisible connection between objects. In this development phase, Miro is looking to science, researching and exploring the various ways to represent this scientific interaction through movement, sound, and video. In physics, subatomic particles can simultaneously spin clockwise and counterclockwise, but it is only when the particle is observed by the human eye does it pick a direction and maintain it. When one particle joins another, the particles spin and swivel in opposite directions, becoming fatefully entwined. Albert Einstein referred to this odd yet somehow romantic phenomenon of physics as "spooky action at a distance." At the company's last Open Studio of 2008, Miro invites audience members to discover the intricate science behind Spooky Action and participate in a discussion with a special guest physicist (TBA), offering audiences a greater understanding of the physics and science influencing the production.
Enter the college at Girard Ave. & Corinthian Ave. (between 21st & 22nd Streets)
Accessible by #15 & #33 buses, Free & secure parking - Light refreshments served
For detailed directions and our full schedule, visit www.mirodancetheatre.org or call 215-962-4773
Official Website: http://www.mirodancetheatre.org/
Added by Canary Promo on November 17, 2008