Wishing you all a very happy Thanksgiving !! We are delighted to host a a special talk "Science of Meditation" with Janael Mcqeen a very senior Art of Living Instructor and meditation practitioner for more than 20 years.
What is it about :
* Talk on Meditation.
* Simple Breathing techniques.
* Guided Meditation.
* You will also be given a take home meditation CD.
About the Speaker: Janael Mcqueen has been meditating for about 20 years She has taught meditation & breathing techniques to thousands of people from various countires like US, Canada, South America,, India & Europe. She will share her insight into meditation and its practical benefits.
When : Saturday | Dec 11th at 6:30 pm
Where : Art of Living Center, 2370A Walsh Ave, Santa Clara, CA.
Admission : $50.00 ( 35.00 with early bird discount )
Register : http://secure.artofliving.org/event_details.aspx?event_id=6898
Light Dinner will be served after the talk.
Official Website: http://secure.artofliving.org/event_details.aspx?event_id=6898
Added by aoloutreach2370 on November 24, 2010