December 19 - 29, 8:00pm, additional 3pm shows December 22-24, No Shows December 25
Combined Artform presents
The Santaland Diaries
Opening December 19 through December 29, 2012
The 'anti-holiday" tradition continues for its 11th year.
San Francisco, CA-November 7, 2012-The Santaland Diaries by David Sedaris and adapted to the stage by Joe Mantello, has become a "holiday staple" for San Francisco's audiences; now in its 11th year! Locally acclaimed actor, David Sinaiko puts on his elf hat and boots to return to the Eureka Theatre as everyone's favorite elf, Crumpet, bringing the true story of Sedaris' to the stage. So come and escape the craziness of the holidays with Combined Artform at the Eureka Theatre.
Nominated for a SF/Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle Award for Best Solo Performance.
"Sinaiko divinely slips into each persona and then back to David...(Santaland) leaves you with the warm, tingly mirth of a six-year-old child who just sat on Santa's knee. It's well worth experiencing. "
- SF Bay Times - Eryka M. Fraczek
For those not familiar with the Sedaris piece, this production will offer the best opportunity to view what New York Newsday called;
""A sardonic, merrily subversive tale - just the antidote to bright-eyed joy before too many shopping days have passed. Worth more than a photo album full of Santas!"
Called by some as "America's premiere humorist", Sedaris creates a brilliant evocation of Christmas as seen from the other side ...through the eyes of a Macy's elf. Our hero confronts the screaming children, bossy parents, flaky elves, and apathetic Santas with hilarious results!
In association with Eureka Theatre Company
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 13, 2012
Eureka Theatre address: 215 Jackson Street, San Francisco, CA 94111