504 E Locust St
Des Moines, California 50309

Friday, 2/16 through Sunday, 2/18
The San Francisco Black LGBT Film Festival

“The San Francisco Black LGBT Film Festival gives voice to [the] black LGBT community.”

-San Francisco Chronicle, 2004

This year’s event will run from February 16th through February 18, 2007, and promises to be a fun-filled and festive event. Looking to continue on last years successful run, we will begin with an opening night gala at Yerba Buena, the second day will be film screenings at the African American Arts Culture Complex, and a community building event on Sunday.

Our festivals’ mission is to use film to educate, empower, and communicate the dynamic history, contributions, and culture of the Black LGBT experience. Hoping that through film, we can create dialogue and change. The 2007 Black LGBT Film Festival promises to be an amazing and festive event.

For more information, please contact Jonathan Batiste by email to: ev_coordinator@bcoa.org

Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/sffestival

Added by reagan on January 24, 2007