Our popular Rumi concert returns just in time for the holidays! Celebrate this joyous time of the year with an evening performance that unites the classic poetry of 13th-century mystic Jalaluddin Rumi with the innovative music, dance, and story of a remarkable ensemble: poet and Rumi translator Coleman Barks; cellist David Darling, world percussionist Glen Velez, instrumentalist Jai Uttal; and Zuleikha, whose magic of dance and story animates the genius and rapture of Rumi's poetry. This performance delivers the stunning collaboration of beloved and inventive artists as they bring the lyrical and spiritual power of Rumi to life.
$75 ticket includes admission to VIP reception to meet the artists.
Official Website: http://www.ciis.edu/News_and_Events/Event_Calendar/Rumi_Concert.html
Added by FullCalendar on November 14, 2010