On Friday, July 13th, libertarian giant Burton S. Blumert will host a fundraiser for Ron Paul after Rons triumphant visit to Google. It is as if Thomas Jefferson had come back to lead us again, says Burt. We must support this great man and his movement for freedom, peace and prosperity. When the next quarters fundraising numbers are released, we want Ron to be up in the top tier, and you can help put him there.
From 7:00pm to 9:00pm, attend the Grand Victory Rally for Ron Paul. Is the campaign the last chance for our country? We must act if it is, and give our all for Ron and Liberty.
Ron will speak and be introduced by Burt and co-host Lew Rockwell. Ron will also take your questions. There will be a cash bar and hor'derves.
Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of RonPaul2008.
Added by ronpaul2008 on July 9, 2007