The Rod Teagles Sordid Summer Showdown is a comedy/variety/tournament/game show all wrapped into one. That means we?ll have comedy, followed by variety, then a touch of tournament, with a dash of game, and topped off with a heaping portion of SHOW!!
And admission is only one measly dollar.
This Week's Lineup ? Sept. 16th
Peter Kassnove ? Gotham, Comedy Cellar, Carolines, etc.
Adam Cole-Kelly ? The Rejection Show (check it out on Sept. 22nd)
Cassidy Henehan ? Voted New Orleans ?Spiciest Comic Dish? 2 years in a row!
Jon Bulette ? ?Who is Wilford Brimley?? -
Matt Diffee ? New Yorker cartoonist
Rich Zeroth ? just some random dude with a pseudo beard
The Rod Teagles Sordid Summer Showdown
The Telephone Bar
2nd Ave ? between 9th and 10th
Thursday, Sept. 16th - 8:30pm
The best dollar you?ll spend all week.
Added by rkzeroth on September 14, 2004