“The Rocky Horror Show” at the Barnstormers Theater is back! Yes, by popular demand the best selling show of the Barnstormers 100th & 101st is back for a third year in a row as the Barnstormers Theater present Richard O’Brien’s “The Rocky Horror Show!” The show dates are October 22nd, 23rd, 28th & 29th at 8pm, October 30th at 7pm and a special Midnight performance on Halloween, October 31 at 12:01am! Costumes and Audience Participation are encouraged! Tickets are $15 a special “Prop bags” are only $5 each! Please call (610) 461 - 9969 to reserve tickets or visit www.barnstormerstheater.com for more information. Please contact the Barnstormers theater at http://www.barnstormerstheater.com/contactus.htm
10/22/10 at 8:00pm
10/23/10 at 8:00pm
10/28/10 at 8:00pm
10/29/10 at 8:00pm
10/30/10 at 7:00pm
10/31/10 at 12:01am
Directions: The barnstormers theater is located at the corner of Ward and Tome Streets in Ridley Park, PA. 402 Tome St, Ridley Park PA 19078. For additional parking information please visit http://www.barnstormerstheater.com/directions.html
Parking: Theater guests are allowed to park up and down Ward and Tome, along with Swarthmore ave and other streets surrounding the theater.
Tickets are $15 per person, prop bags are $5 each. Please reserve tickets in advance by calling (610) 461 - 9969 or by visiting http://www.barnstormerstheater.com/tickets.html. Tickets can be purchased in advance by visiting https://barnstormerstheater.ticketleap.net/
Official Website: http://www.barnstormerstheater.com
Added by The Barnstormers Theater on October 8, 2010