1290 Parkmoor Ave
San Jose, California 95126

The rise of green jobs and accelerating cost reduction with photovoltaic power will be the topics of discussion during this month’s Nano Bio Clean Tech Forum on Tuesday, June 24, sponsored by the Clean Tech Institute in conjunction with the International Association of Nanotechnology.

Kate Gordon, program director with the Apollo Alliance in San Francisco, will focus on what role industry or business can play in the promotion of green jobs. She will also talk about the connections between government policy and demands within the green job sector. Gordon has served on many energy policy committees including the Midwest Agriculture Energy Network, the National Wind Coordinating Committee and RE-AMP.

Guest speaker Charlie Gay, corporate vice president and general manager of the Solar Business Group at Applied Materials, will discuss ways to accelerate cost reduction with photovoltaic power. Charlie Gay is an industry veteran with more than 30 years of experience in the solar industry. He is also the co-founder of the Greenstar Foundation, an organization that delivers solar power and internet access for health, education and microenterprise projects to small villages in the developing world.

A third speaker who will address nanotechnology or clean tech may be added to the program. Speakers will answer questions from the audience after their respective presentations.

The forum will be held from 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at the IANANO headquarters, 1290 Parkmoor Ave., San Jose. Networking will take place from 5:30 p.m.-6 p.m., prior to the start of the program.

Cost is $20/members; $30 non-members. A light dinner will be served. To register online now, go to http://www.ianano.org/registration-NBC.htm. For more information, call (408) 280-6222.

Official Website: http://www.ianano.org

Added by kenheiman on June 13, 2008

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