The rise of Big Pharma VC Funds: Dream coming true or total nightmare?
Thursday, June 14, 2012
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Registration and Networking
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Industry Panel
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Networking Reception
It seems like a new Big Pharma Venture arm appears every week or so. Is this just a new trend or are they here for good? How are these Corporate VCs different than traditional VCs? Do they have the same objectives, the same investment criteria, or the same strategies? Or are they definitely two very different things? What does this mean for all the emerging companies out there? Are traditional VCs doomed to disappear? Are these new players a nightmare to deal with in day to day management and operations of your company?
Join us at our next industry panel for an interactive discussion on why and how corporate players are getting in the game and hitting it big! Furthermore, our expert panelists will provide their own insight on the current trends shaping their industry as well as their future predictions on where it is headed.
Our Panel discussions are candid, interactive and informal. We want you to walk away with the real story behind how things work so you can make it happen yourself. This Panel will be followed by a Networking Reception.
Panelists (Partial list)
Dr James Schaeffer, Executive Director, Worldwide Licensing & External Research, Merck Research Laboratories
Jennifer Friel Goldstein, Director, Pfizer Venture Investment
Simeon George, Partner, SR One
For more information & speakers bios, please visit
Cost & Registration
*Pre-registration closes on Jun 13 at noon!*
Regular Price: $60
Partners' Network: $50
Meet with Alumni: $40
BioCenter Members: Free
On-site Registration: add $10 to the above
This event is typically sold out, so early pre-registration is recommended to avoid disappointment on the day!
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on May 17, 2012