A.C.T. Drama Group will present the Christmas musical comedy The Richest Man In The Valley. A full evening production of drama, songs and dance for the whole family. This musical story is based on an old short fable about an old man, his rich boss and a dream. In our story, Anthony B. Cornelius, Jr. has a very successful company and great wealth passed down to him by his late father, who died a year ago last Christmas. Anthony's "old man" groundskeeper has a dream that the richest man in the valley will be dead before Christmas. Anthony, who has never really enjoyed Christmas now fears it definitely won't be very Merry. He must face the old man's dream coming true along with his first Christmas without his father, a shaky marriage, spoiled children, unwanted guests and a crazy dream of his own. Come and see a large cast of young and old, perform this wonderful, funny, heartwarming, inspirational Christmas musical and find out if the dream becomes a reality?
A.C.T.'s production of The Richest Man In The Valley will have three performances on December 11 at 7:00 p.m. and Dec. 12 at 2:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. All performances are FREE to the community and will be held at Clark's Valley Zion E.C. Church, 210 McKelvey Road Dauphin, PA 17018. For more information go to www.clarksvalleyzion.com or call Pastor Mike at 921-8153.
Added by cvzec on November 25, 2010