INVISIBLE CHILDREN..ever heard of it? if not before i explain to you i want you to visit and it probably would explain to you more than i would. Uganda is facing it's longest running war (23 years) with the LRA (lord's resistance army) led by a man named Joseph Kony. To get his point across to the Uganda goverment he kidnaps children in middle of the night and turns them into child soilders. He tourtures them and do horrific things that can't be explaind. but WE are going to take a stand WE are going to make a diffrence. on April 25,2009 we are goin to abuduct ourselves and spend the night at Grant park to end this long war and guns and hate. Hundrends have signed up..can you? please visit the INVISIBLECHILDREN.COM and see what it is about. It would only take a little time of your day thank you.
Trieana DePratto
Added by trieana09 on March 25, 2009