501 Avis Drive
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108

One of the biggest complaints about developing a networking practice is "It takes too much time" or "It costs too much".

In truth, most people are just plain inefficient in their networking behavior.

- They attend too many events.
- They belong to too many groups.
- They don't know what they do or who they serve...
- ...and they are surprised when no one helps them succeed.

Behind all of these failures is an underlying failure to focus their efforts. They take a scattershot approach to networking, when instead they should be focused like a laser scalpel.

Over the course of this workshop attendees will learn the process to...

- ...narrow their target market -- and know the words to avoid when describing it.
- ...develop the list of emotional reasons their clients choose them.
- ...develop their personal story for why they do what they do (and why that is important).
- ...give their referral partners the information they need to provide better connections and referrals.

This interactive workshop will provide you with new tools to develop the concepts and mindset that stand at the base of your networking practice. By using these tools you will save time and be more likely to see results come out of your networking efforts. Come join us!

Added by kaymbre on June 4, 2012