18th Street and Dolores Street
San Francisco, California

The Really, Really Free Market is a chance to experience a world of a community sharing resources, caring for one another, and building a foundation for improving our collective lives. It is a chance to live outside of the constraints of a capitalist-dominated existence. It exists to increase happiness and love for all. We’re really starting to build a movement, and we want you to be a part of it. Please join us.

The Really, Really Free Market is like a giant potluck, made up of ideas, food, music, books, skills, games and many other resources that we as a community can come together and share. Everything is free. yes, really really free. no money, no bartering, advertising, just free.
Bring food, art, games, furniture, friends, random acts of kindness, bike parts/tools, face paints, plants, books, skills to share! The goal is to encourage the idea of giving just for the sake of giving and to create a constructive alternative movement to the waste and exploitation of the capitalistic economy. The more we give away to others for free, the less they have to buy, the less we have to make these things that we already have. SE corner of the park.

Because there's enough for everyone.
Because sharing is more fulfilling than owning.
Because corporations would rather see landfills overflow than anyone get anything for free.
Because scarcity is a myth constructed to keep us at the mercy of the economy.
Because a sunny day outside is better than anything money can buy.
Because "free trade" is a contradiction of terms.
Because no one should have to do without food, shelter, entertainment, and community.
Because life should be a picnic, but it only will be if we make it happen.

Official Website: http://www.sf-rrfm.org

Added by reallyfreemarket on October 21, 2006