The Real Tom Thunder- Their influences range from Coldplay to The Killers, The Dave Matthews Band to Smashing Pumpkins. Throw in a Sublime twist, a little Led Zeppelin & now we’re talking bout RTT. Grab a drink, grab a girl, & enjoy the sounds of the Oakland raised band The Real Tom Thunder.
The Pie Rats-Teri Feral Rat - head cheese, high squeeks, low 4 string rumbles
Rob Choco Rat - tail thumping, tub pounding, sarcasm meter minder
Lil' Johnny Rat - occasional tunneling and tuning of six strings, midrange squeeks
"The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat." --Lily Tomlin
The Novelist- They sound like when dinosaurs(the cute ones) hatch from eggs or king cobra down the drain.
Added by Miss Dish on April 8, 2010