The Princess in Me!
A non-traditional tea party for non-traditional girls.
April 18, 2009
10:00 a.m.
Clarion Hotel 8102 LBJ Freeway Dallas, TX 75251 Trinity Ball Room
Talisa Lavarry Lifestyle and Image Consulting Presents The Princess in me. A non-traditional tea party for non-traditional girls. It is Talisas goal to offer young girls ages 5-12 an unforgettable experience as they grow and go into their divine purpose. The Princess in me was designed to make young girls aware of the importance of being soft and gentle beings while protecting and nurturing their own self-esteem. Talisa stresses that having grown up herself completely unaware of the damage that takes place daily to womens self-esteem she had to learn the hard way that it is imperative that young girls self-esteem is not only nurtured but that they are consciously aware of what is taking place within and around themselves and that they are doing all that they can to protect it.
The Princess in me is a work-shop filled with fun and educational games, interactive dialogue and activities that raise awareness to the importance of a positive self-image. Each girl will receive a dress, shoes and tiara as well as many other favors and keepsakes. There will be a photographer on site to take photos during the work-shop as well as during the meet and greet for parents and sponsors to take photos with their princess of choice if they choose. The meet and greet from 2 p.m.-3 p.m. will give the girls an opportunity to show their family, sponsors and friends their new, revived self esteem while participating in the Pretty Princess Parade.
The Princess in me is scheduled to take place April 18, 2009 at The Clarion Hotel 8102 LBJ Freeway Dallas, TX 75251 in the Trinity Ball Room. The Doors will be open for photos at 10 a.m. The workshop will start promptly at 11:00 a.m. The meet and greet to include a Princess Parade will begin at 2:00 p.m.
An informational meeting and dress pick-up will take place on Sat. April 11, 2009 at 12:00 noon and Sunday April 12, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. at The Clarion Hotel. Special arrangements will be made available for people who cannot attend. Please feel free to call 214.886.0696 or visit www.talisalavarry.com for more information.
A portion of proceeds will be donated to Annas House a transitional home for women in Garland Texas (501-c3 tax-deductable).
A $25 application fee that will be applied to total workshop fees is due at sign-up.
Fund-raising packets to assist with registration fees are available upon request.
Organized by Talisa Lavarry Lifestyle and Image ConsultingTalisa Lavarry is a fashion savvy Lifestyle and Image Consultant dedicated to adorning people, places, things and events through modern and innovative techniques that only she can offer while remaining mindful of functionality and costs.
Ticket Info: Work-shop Fee, $179.38
Official Website: http://talisalavarry-upcoming.eventbrite.com