If It Is To Be, It Begins With Me: The Power of Role Modeling
In a world filled with constant change and a need for good decision making, Cheewa James presents a message on finding emotional balance and developing skills that allow for better management of self and relationships.
This uplifting, self-growth presentation, filled with humor and inspirational stories, will give you the get-up-and-go to meet your challenges and think outside the lines.
You, as a role model, are the most potent marketing tool you have. Learn how to present yourself to the world and bring people and business your way.
What you'll take away from this powerful session:
* Recognize the four areas of life balance
* Deal with stress successfully
* Learn two principles of leadership you will never forget
* Understand the four steps to effective change
Cheewa James is a professional keynote speaker and trainer and has worked with corporations and organizations throughout the United States. As a published author she has written for Smithsonian Magazine, National Wildlife, and newspapers from coast to coast. Her latest book, MODOC: The Tribe That Wouldn't Die, is the story of her own tribe, and was ten years in research and writing. Cheewa is enrolled with the Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma. A former Oregon television anchorwoman, Cheewa is often seen on KVIE, Sacramento's PBS station.
You have the opportunity to display your products and services at the event.
$49.00 for non members, $39.00 for eWN members, after 05/08/2009 Late Registration is $56.00.
Official Website: https://events.ewomennetwork.com/event/details.php?eid=10636
Added by FullCalendar on April 21, 2009