Learn how to make email marketing work for you!
You will discover how email marketing works; and obtain useful email marketing tips. Email marketing is about getting your message heard in a world of increasing email communications! Discover the nuts and bolts including email marketing strategy and techniques. In this session, you will gain insight on how to build your lists and use subject lines to get your emails opened! Maximize email marketing communications to develop content and find out how to create professional looking emails that will WOW your customers.
This session is designed to give you the information that you need but never knew where to find!
The program will provide participants with:
* An understanding of what email marketing is and why and how it works.
* Components of an effective email marketing campaign and how email marketing can meet your needs.
* Case studies of successful email marketing campaigns.
* Email Marketing Best Practices and tips, strategies and techniques to create more effective email campaigns.
To sign up for a free trial prior to the seminar, please visit www.maroonenterprise.com and click
$10 for each session or $15 for both sessions (Lunch included)
Session one: 10am-12pm
Session two: 1pm-3pm
Official Website: http://illinois.constantcontact.com
Added by jmcappello on March 19, 2008