The documentary, "The Power of Community – How Cuba Survived Peak Oil," was inspired when Faith Morgan and Pat Murphy took a trip to Cuba through Global Exchange in August, 2003. That year Pat had begun studying and speaking about worldwide peak oil production. In May Pat and Faith attended the second meeting of The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas, a European group of oil geologists and scientists, which predicted that mankind was perilously close to having used up half of the world's oil resources. When they learned that Cuba underwent the loss of over half of its oil imports and survived, after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990, the couple wanted to see for themselves how Cuba had done this.
After the film, Jenny Leis will apply the lessons learned to Portland’s community of changemakers, and encourage each of us to take the exciting steps towards integrating our own social capital so that we can manifest our community power.
Jenny has returned to the Portland community to spark conversations and action about local “cross-pollination,” and dive deeper into her work with The City Repair Project and Tryon Life Community Farm. She can be contacted at or 503-548-8459. Also, check out:
Official Website:
Added by slozito on March 24, 2008