595 Market St, 2nd floor
San Francisco, California 94105


We will take head-on the debate about whether there are necessary trade-offs between social and environmental sustainability, and robust financial returns. Our focus is to outline an opportunity landscape of leading edge business and capital innovations, and engage in a lively debate about key issues. Questions to be examined: Where's the pipeline - how strong are the investment opportunities in social enterprise? Is there real capital here, and where is it? What kind of capital is needed?

Our local and international panelists will showcase investment opportunities and share lessons from the trenches in how to grow highly successful capital and business innovations that are changing the world, including:

Paul Herman, Director of Strategy, Omidyar Network
Paul joined Omidyar Network as Director of Strategy to help direct its $400-million mission-based investment fund. Previously, Paul was Chief Development Officer of Ashoka: Innovators for the Public, helping grow revenue from $12mm to nearly $20mm.

Thierry Sanders, Founder, BiD Challenge
BiD Challenge is the worlds first global clearing house for business plans for development, with over 5000 members and 1600 business plans in under a year of operation.

Bert van der Vaart CEO & President SEAF
SEAF has $280 million in total capital under management that it invests in small and medium enterprises around the world; they have made over 235 investments and achieved over 125 exits. Bert is a regular speaker at the IFC, World Bank, Harvard University, Wharton, and the OECD.

Randy Williams, Founder & CEO, Keiretsu Forum
With over 400 members, Keiretsu Forum is the largest angel investment community in North America. Since 2000, Keiretsu Forum members have invested over $60MM in 87 companies in technology, real estate, healthcare/biotech/life sciences and other sectors.

Moderated by Amber Nystrom, Founding & Executive Director, Social Fusion (www.socialfusion.org)

$95 FULL SERIES DISCOUNT; $30 pre-registration; $40 at the door; $20 student and Fusion Affiliates (includes lunch).


Website: http://socialfusion.org/se_pr_speakers_series.html
Email: jenn@socialfusion.org
Phone: 415-979-0280
About Social Fusion:
Social Fusion's Conversations in Social Enterprise is a powerful forum for leaders who are shaping a new domain of business-based social innovation. This engaged dialogue is an opportunity for investors, philanthropists, and business leaders to learn, and to share Best Practices with pioneering entrepreneurs creating pragmatic solutions to the globe?s toughest social problems.

Official Website: http://socialfusion.org/se_pr_speakers_series.html%20

Added by FullCalendar on April 24, 2006

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