A poem is a sculpture of voice. Its what a poets heart says to her mind, and her voice finds a body for. Each good poem is shapely god; keeping its own secrets, it tells us our own. Why write poems, writes Gregory Orr, If not because grief or joy/ Has seized you? With Rumi and the mystics, Orr would add that each poem is not just a complex, oblique, emotional cry to the Beloveda yearning for the rest of who, and where, you thought you were. Each poem is, somehow, the Belovedreturned and embodied, in all his or her manifold and maddening contradiction. A poem should always replace a yearning, writes Don Paterson. A poem must take the shape of a woman, a man, a god, or a ghost, or else it is probably no poem at all. Details of this event may be subject to change. Please visit http://cce.sydney.edu.au/course/powo for more information or to register. | Training courses from the Centre for Continuing Education (CCE) - The University of Sydney
Official Website: http://cce.sydney.edu.au/course/POWO
Added by ccesydney on February 27, 2013