123 7th Street
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222

The Pittsburgh Social Exchange, in partnership with the Pittsburgh Metropolitan Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (and other groups), invites you to join us at our first ever 'International Night' Meet international friends and colleagues in the Greater Pittsburgh Area, business owners, professionals, and entrepreneurs from all over the world.
All proceeds go to PSE and PMHCC Scholarship funds.
ATTIRE: Business Casual - (Theme: International, have fun with your heritage/attire)
Attendees are encouraged to bring nationals/friends/other professionals from neighboring or distant countries! Here is an opportunity to network with diversity! Your assignment? (If you can): Bring at least one 'professional foreigner!'
Enjoy passed appetizers, cash bar, networking, and raffle prizes. Business Casual please!
Anticipated guests: 250 - 300
NOTE: Please RSVP on this page. If you have NOT sent us the correct spelling of your name, the name of the company you own/represent, and your contact information to us in the past - that means that you are NOT on the list. Please e-mail that information to pse500@gmail.com after you RSVP as 'attending' on this event page. Info needed in ADVANCE.
Interested in sponsoring this event or providing a basket/door prize to promote your business? If so, please e-mail pse500@gmail.com (Attn: Christina) to let us know.
Interested in becoming a member? Print an application at: www.PSEApp.com

Added by Pittsburgh Social Exchange on April 25, 2011