428 Main St
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018

This book is a reflection of my past in the capacity of a Director of Human Resources for over 15 years, and, when downsized, had the opportunity to consult at leisure under my own company MosALConsulting.

This book can be an effective tool as it is comprised of general information in casual format that perpetuates easy conversation without condescending innuendos’ and unpalatable speech. In summary, the premise of its verbiage is written in easy dialogue between friends.

The cost for this book is $14.95 and is available on amazon.com. My next book signing will be in NYC on Wall Street. The date will be forthcoming.

Official Website: //http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_gw_0_13?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=the+pink+slip+andrea&sprefix=The+Pink+Slip

Added by The Pink Slip on June 18, 2009


The Pink Slip

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