EVENT: The Past. Present, & Future of Flamenco with FLAMEFUZE=A Flamenco Fusion Experience! featuring Dani Torres & Amigos
Sunday, March 14, 3-7 p.m. @
Dani Torres, flamenco guitarist/singer/compose elefunt.com/dani
Gilberto Melendez, choreographer/dancer
Carolè Acuña, award-winning dancer & comedienne caroleacuna.com
Fred Weed, jazz pianist/woodwinds virtuoso
Santiago Gino Gervasi, visual artist santiagogervasi.com
Jason James Guthrie, tabla
Patricia Velasquez, singer
David White, electric bass, percussion, effects
Roberto Tumas, percussion
Evan Harrar, guitar
Take a neo-gypsy trip through time and space with traditional flamenco, alternating with flaming fusion, in an artistic company that redefines conventional ideas about art
in a uniquely Bay-Area way - featuring a core of dancers, guitarists and singers, bringing
poetry and percussion from both English-and-Spanish-speaking traditions together with images and sounds from fellow Bay Area artists to seek out the meaning of 'flamenco', 'gypsy', 'music', 'art', 'tradition', 'love', and 'human' - a quest to be treasured and held near, like a loved one in a crowd . . . these artists have consistently packed venues
up and down the coast as well as in the Bay Area in other groups, but now seek to go beyond traditional sociocultural limitations to take the art to its (il)logical conclusion -
Added by adlerphotos on March 7, 2010