The Paradise Makers Lecture Series – Those who shaped Vancouver in the Post-war
Rand Iredale: Pioneer, Architect, Mentor
Contemporary Vancouver was shaped not just by its famous architects—like Arthur Erickson—but also by the architectural offices they established. Along with Arthur Erickson's influential office, one firm stands out for its leading stand on urban policy, heritage conservation and a search for an architecture appropriate for the new Vancouver: Rhone & Iredale Partners. Rand Iredale was the creative and intellectual hub of this office — which trained such prominent designers as Richard Henriquez, Peter Cardew, Peter Busby — and the subject of a new book by Kathryn Iredale with Sheila Martineau, Finding a Good Fit: The Life and Work of Architect Rand Iredale.
Not only will you gain insights into the character of the man, but also of the city in which he lived and helped shape.
Urban Designer and Architecture Critic/Historian Trevor Boddy and a panel of those who knew him, Charlotte Murray, MAIBC (retired in 2004), Partner of Rand Iredale from 1980-2000, Rainer J. Fassler, MAIBC, Senior Associate, Architecture and Interior Design, Stantec Inc., and Richard Iredale, MAIBC, MRAIC, P.Eng., LEED AP, Partner, Iredale Group Architecture
Admission is free; reservations are required.
Email or call 778-782.5100.
Venue: SFU Vancouver (at Harbour Centre), 515 West Hastings, Vancouver.
Official Website:
Added by g.p. on September 14, 2007