The World’s Only Cartoon Band & Educational Experience proudly announces an all- new production for 2013 titled “A Musical Comedy and Cartoon Review”!
Set in the format of a classic Spike Jones variety show complete with props, comedic interludes & set ups, The Outer Toons Musical Comedy and Cartoon Review is sure to delight!
The Outer Toons time capsule travels from the earliest musical styles to the latest including a review of classic and modern cartoons. The Outer Toons Musical Comedy and Cartoon Review is sure to open your mind, touch your heart and it’s just plain fun for all!
The Outer Toons consist of an 11 piece musical powerhouse of highly skilled musicians, most of whom hold advanced degrees in music and music education. Each member plays multiple instruments and sings lead vocals throughout the performance, displaying a stunni! ng level of musicianship. Genres including Baroque, Jazz, Swing, Blues, Pop, Country, Hip-Hop and more are presented seamlessly throughout the show. With audience interaction & participation, hilarious interludes & skits, you’re guaranteed to have a complete blast!
Witnessing the Outer Toons is like stepping into a live cartoon with classic themes and popular musical references that are sure to bring out the kid in us all. With a catalog of nearly 100 cartoon themes and over 10 years performing at all major theme parks in Orlando and festivals nationwide, The Outer Toons offer a level of entertainment unlike any other you will experience. From seniors to toddlers, their live cartoon experience leaves the audience wanting more! Experience an Outer Toons performance and you’ll never listen to a cartoon or TV show the same way again!
Official Website:
Added by MDL Advertising on April 10, 2013