Have you ever asked yourself:
• How can I join a network of 200,000 young leaders worldwide? And communicate with them every day?
• How can I get free professional training every month in St. Louis?
• How can I meet business professionals from 110 countries in 5 days?
• How can I build my resume with real leadership experience?
• How can I get support and money to start my own business?
• Can I really create positive change in the world from right here in St. Louis?
Find out the answers to these questions and more at this event. Refreshments and appetizers provided. Free and open to the public. Download the flier and reserve your space at www.jci.cc/metro. Questions? email jcimetro@gmail.com
Official Website: http://www.jci.cc/metro
Added by jcimetro on February 17, 2008