The Open Space HarperCollins Poetry Contest 2008 - On the theme of Borders.
With poetry blogs and literary forums of an assorted variety proliferating online, poetry has finally found a public space. The aim of this Poetry Contest is to encourage the reading and writing of poetry as a literary activity and to promote the art of poetry, especially among the young.
Borders : the theme explores borders, both real and perceived, within individuals, societies, cultures and nations finding expression in philosophy, art, religion, politics, gender relations, class struggles, and a range of other arenas, sometimes also questioning and transcending them. Prizes: 1st prize Rs 20,000 (rupees twenty thousand only), 2nd prize Rs 10,000 (ten thousand only), 3rd prize Rs 5,000 (five thousand only).
Added by snehaxbs4 on December 1, 2008