Omaha, Nebraska 68144

Meet fellow web designers near you! Come to a Web Design Meetup to compare tools, languages, and design tips.
Trade advice on careers and freelancing and share cool websites. Make valuable contacts as you mingle with new friends!

Meeting topic this month:
The Language & Design of Website Marketing

Guest speaker Mary Williamsen of Group W Consulting will take the mystery out of the language of marketers
and show you how to create Web sites that work harder than an 80-hour a week code slinger.

Invite your co-workers and r.s.v.p as soon as possible as this meeting has a limited number of guests.

See the event homepage for details and to r.s.v.p.:

Meeting Fee: $3.00

Check out what members are saying about The Omaha Web Design Meetup:

"Members of this group have a variety of experience in web design and are enthusiastic about contributing." - Heather

"There is lots to learn. The members are professionals and great about answering questions from simple to complicated." - Robert Ruiz

"The exchange of ideas is great and there was a great deal of interaction with other people who are in the trenches as well." - Andy Roche

"You can always learn from what people around you are doing. The more people we have attending, the better we can determine where our interests lie, and how to address them. We already have some good ideas for future meetings, but we can always use some new viewpoints and suggestions." - John Arthur

Official Website:

Added by Heather108 on February 27, 2008

Interested 2