1001 Shiloh Springs Rd,
Dayton, Ohio 45415

The Ohio Paranormal Convention will make its way back to Dayton Ohio August 21st and 22nd 2010. Featuring a wide range of guest speakers from the paranormal community. The event will go from 9:00am - 7:30pm both days.
Guest speakers include Bob Hunnicutt, John Kachuba, Rie Sadler, and Earle Benezet. We will have topics such as ufology, cryptozoology, Bigfoot research, and ghosts. We will feature an exhibitor area with many different vendors and paranormal teams.
Tickets are now on sale, go to http://www.ohioparacon.com.

Official Website: http://www.ohioparacon.com

Added by OhiopParaCon on September 29, 2009