277 Broadway at Chambers St
New York, New York

The NYC Pitch Party: The Best & Most Effective Business Networking Event

Join members of The NYC Business Networking Group (NYCBNG) to connect with our members to create new relationships. This is our group’s signature event. Feedback for this event is terrific and we look forward to helping you to make the most of this opportunity!


“So - what do you do?”

How often have you been asked this question, and how effectively did you use the next 30 seconds to grab their attention, get them curious and want to find out more? At this event you’ll get a short time to present your pitch along with all our other attendees. After you’ve heard what everyone does, you can target the specific people you most want to connect with to make your networking more effective.

WHEN: Tuesday, December 14, 2010 at 6:30 PM
WHERE: Capital One Bank, 277 Broadway at Chambers St, NY 10007
COST: $18 Prepaid by noon on 12/14 or $25 cash at the door
RSVP: http://www.meetup.com/The-NYC-Business-Networking-Group/calendar/15312544/


6.30-7.00 PM: Registration, Refreshments, Informal Networking
7.00-7:45 PM: Members Participate in 30 Second Business Pitch
7.45-8.30 PM: Formal Targeted Networking With Participants

Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/The-NYC-Business-Networking-Group/calendar/15312544/

Added by Real Live People Party on November 30, 2010

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