The NYC Pitch Party: The Best & Most Effective Business Networking Event
Join members of The NYC Business Networking Group (NYCBNG) for our Pitch Party - a fun, relaxed ice breaker. Attendees promote their businesses and explore opportunities with other successful business professionals. Our members come from a diverse range of industries so come explore opportunities and create new business relationships at our events. Membership is free so join our nearly 7000 members.
WHEN: Tuesday, October 5, 2010 at 6:30 PM
WHERE: NY Life Offices, Graybar Building, 420 Lexington, 15th Flr
COST: $15 prepaid till noon on 10/5 or $20 cash/door
6.30 - 7.00 PM: Registration, Refreshments, Informal Networking
7.00 - 7:45 PM: Everyone Participates in 30-60 Second Business Pitch
7.45 - 8.30 PM: Formal Targeted Networking With Participants
The NYC Business Networking Group is Proudly Sponsored by The GE $200 Million ecomagination Challenge and HP ProBook PC Powered By AMD
Official Website:
Added by Real Live People Party on September 22, 2010