The NYC Pitch Party for Business Professionals
Join members of The NYC Business Networking Group as we host our signature monthly Professional Pitch Party.
WHEN: Tuesday June 22, 2010 at 6:30 PM
WHERE: NY Life Offices: Graybar Building, 420 Lexington Ave, 15th Floor
COST: $15 prepaid by noon on June 22 or $20/door
Join business professionals to promote your product or service. Our upscale professional members come from a diverse and broad range of industries and backgrounds. The Pitch is not a spectator sport and everyone participates to promote their own business in this fun and relaxed event. Each attendee gets a chance to promote themselves in a 30 second open pitch to our attendees. This gives you a chance to make your pitch in a short, precise and effective manner. We all need to hone our skills at effective pitching.
6.00 - 6.30 PM: Registration, Informal Networking, Refreshments
6.30 - 7.15 PM: Members Participate in 30 Second Business Pitch
7.15 - 8.30 PM: Formal Targeted Networking With Participants
THE NYC BUSINESS NETWORKING GROUP IS PROUDLY SPONSOR BY: AT&T HP iPAQ Glisten. Part phone. Part PC. All Business. When you move fast, you need a phone that can keep up.
Official Website:
Added by Real Live People Party on May 25, 2010