Legends and Legends in the Making Gather in Amsterdam, Fueling the Next Renaissance
Next Renaissance Conference
Amsterdam March 25-26
A diverse cast of international speakers with experience in the worlds of science, music, human rights, television/radio/movies, technology, and business will gather at Amsterdam?s Felix Meritis European Center for the Arts and Sciences, crossing disciplines to emerge innovative and culturally relevant ideas into action.
Hosted by the music network MusicalLogic, the conference will mainly feature:
Mass behavior scientist and ex-rock star maker Howard Bloom whose been called the Newton, Darwin, Freud, Einstein, and Buckminster Fuller of the 21st century. He?s the author of the Lucifer Principle, Global Brain, and working on a new book, Reinventing Capitalism: Putting Soul In the Machine.
British-born, US-based Martin Lewis, a fabled renaissance man with a 35-year career as a humorist, producer, writer, TV & radio host, publicity & marketing strategist - and pioneering organizer of human rights benefits. He hosts his own national daily radio show in the US.
Live video-feed from New York and California simultaneously we will have award winning author, teacher, and documentarian Douglas Rushkoff who focuses on the ways people, cultures, and institutions create, share, and influence each other's values and whose new book ?Get Back in the Box-Innovation from the Inside Out? is quickly gaining recognition. He has written ten best-selling books on new media and popular culture that have been translated to over thirty languages.
In that video-feed panel, live from California will be author and professional virtual community builder Howard Rheingold who has written on the cultural and political implications of new communications mediums such as telecommunications technology, virtual reality, and online communities. He has collaborated on numerous books on the mind, creativity, and dreaming and on computers as mind-amplifiers, was editor of The Whole Earth Review and his latest book is ?SmartMobs: The Next Social Revolution.?
Best-selling author Steven Johnson has written four books on the intersection of science, technology and personal experience will be in the video-feed panel live from New York City, author of ?Everything Bad is Good for You: How Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter,? the national bestseller and one of the most talked about books of 2005. His writings have influenced everything from the way political campaigns use the Internet, to cutting-edge ideas in urban planning, to the battle against 21st-century terrorism. Steven is also a contributing editor for Wired magazine and a monthly columnist for Discover magazine.
Science and business consultant for major Dutch TV productions and one of Holland?s best science writers, Marcel Roele. He has written books on ethology, sociobiology, behavior genetics, differential psychology, psychometrics, and aspects of anthropology, political science and history as far as they relate to cultural evolution.
Speaking from the music industry is President and founder of Sepetys Entertainment Group, Inc., Ruta Sepetys who devotes herself to creating and implementing artist development and growth strategies for a diverse list of established artists such as Grammy award winning guitarist Steve Vai, multi-platinum modern rock band LIT, blues phenom Eric Sardinas and film/television composer Niels Bye Nielsen.
Ruta is responsible for many facets of her artists from music videos, world tours, to internet campaigns and was recently featured in Rolling Stone magazine?s ?Women in Rock? issue and described as a rare breed of manager who first and foremost stands by her artists.
As the featured performer for this event we have award-winning classical composer Octavio Vazquez who?s been quoted as "one of the most outstanding musicians of his generation...one of the foremost composers of classical music...a burning torch for the 21st century". He has written extensively in every genre, and his music is performed throughout the world by some of today's most exciting ensembles. Alongside will be musicians Ulrike N??lein and Theodor N??lein.
The Next Renaissance Conference will feature panels with diverse topics such as the role of the artist in society, ideas for the reinvention of capitalism, alternative energy, music, war, and peace, artist development, techno-democracy/open source democracy, networked collaboration, and how innovative ideas emerge to inspire action.
The overarching theme of the conference will be ?Facilitating the Next Renaissance?. That?s a challenge well worth witnessing.
We're in an age of technologies that expand the range of human powers far beyond those Leonardo was able to imagine. For hundreds of years Western men and women have been forced to smother most of their interests and curiosities to perform mechanical labor.
But in advanced nations, the age of mechanical labor is over. And specialization is no longer a necessity. Using all of your curiosities simultaneously is more than a personal indulgence. It's a gift to society. It can maximize a culture or an organization's collective creativity and problem-solving-power.
Today, technologists and executives need the skills of artists. And artists need the skills of executives and technologists. In Leonardo's day, only a handful of humans could call themselves Renaissance Men. Today everyone with a reasonable level of intelligence and curiosity MUST do his or her best to be a multi-disciplinary maker of The Next Renaissance.
MusicalLogic has worked to produce the Next Renaissance Conference in dedication to provoking innovative partnerships that go outside the bounds of industry to produce exciting and powerful relations through diverse cross networking. A main goal of the conference being to cultivate knowledge combined with creativity to inspire new discoveries and new creative business opportunities for those involved. ?Crossing Boundaries by Crossing Disciplines?.
The MusicalLogic name is about the mathematics in music. The word is an old jazz term for finding out the logic behind music. To find out the logic and music in life and combining the two has significant effects.
Join in the fun of diversity and contribute your unique perspective to further enrich this unique emergence March 25-26 at Felix Meritis.
(plans for more spaekers/performers are currently being planned as well)
Conference info:
Speakers Bios/Websites:
http://www.Sepetys.com (music artist site)
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Added by JZ on March 13, 2006