New York, New York

New York City Gun Rights activists, Constitutional and civil libertarians, Human Rights activists, and pro-Liberty supporters will hold a rally on Monday, September 25th at 12:30pm outside City Hall in Manhattan to support so-called “illegal guns” and the thousands of decent, responsible New York State citizens and residents who own and carry them to preserve their Freedom and protect themselves from criminals, terrorists and other violent people, contrary to what NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg claims in his current campaign against “illegal guns”.

“Mayor Bloomberg is attacking our Gun Rights across the country, teaming up with big-city mayors and other powerful elitists to erode our self-defense rights and privacy rights under the guise of fighting ‘illegal guns’ and crime,” says Nic Leobold, a local Gun Rights activist and libertarian who thought up the idea for the protest. “Fortunately, most people who own ‘illegal guns’ in New York and the rest of the United States are neither criminals nor violent. They’re just decent, respectable, honest and responsible citizens who want a dependable way to defend themselves and their loved ones and defend their Liberty, and they know Michael Bloomberg or various other government thugs will seize their guns if they register them.”

Jim Lesczynski, the organizer of the famous “Guns for Tots” toy gun drive for the Manhattan Libertarian Party, who is endorsing and participating in Monday’s rally, is just as adamant: "'Illegal gun' is an oxymoron," says Lesczynski. "Any law that purports to prohibit or regulate gun ownership in any way is un-Constitutional on its face and therefore null and void. The only people who should feel threatened by armed citizens are tyrants and criminals."

The rally will also feature several politicians seeking office in the November elections, including John Clifton and Jeffrey Russell, the Libertarian Party candidates for New York State Governor and United States Senator, respectively.

For more information, contact:

Nic Leobold at: 212-228-9255 or email:

Official Website:



Hey Guys and Gals, Hope all of you can make it to our little rally Monday. It will be a nice chance to stick it in Mike Bloomberg's face and a chance to show the lefty NYC media that Individual Human Rights including Self-Defense Rights count for something.
Nic Leobold


Thanks krateein for posting this! NL


You must be joking! You have to be certifiable to want guns in NYC.


I guess you think people who believe in the right to defend themselves are certifiable.
Nic Leobold

Interested 2